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Recurring Donation - Bank/ACH

The "Number of Payments" field on the recurring donation form will be listed as "0". That will allow the donations to continue until you contact us and tell us to stop them.

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Other Contribution Methods

If you would prefer to donate in person please contact us at 509-456-4870.

Our mailing address is:
3715 S Grove Rd
Spokane, WA  99224

Thank you!

As a non-profit, 501c3 radio ministry, your gifts to Shine 104.9 / KEEH are tax-deductible.

Shine 104.9’s Tax ID # for donation purposes is:  91-0617725  (“Upper Columbia Mission Society”).

Shine 104.9 / KEEH is not affiliated with Shine.FM, Shine Radio of Illinois, or Olivet Nazarene University

Thanks for listening!
Shine 104.9 is 100% community-funded. We greatly appreciate your continued support of Shine 104.9 Spokane, 94.9 in Coeur d' Alene, and 91.7 in Sandpoint.