Chris Tomlin - Holy Forever World Tour Featuring Cain

Spokane Arena
Wednesday, May 1, 2024 - 7pm
The Holy Forever World Tour.. One of the most amazing parts about faith for me is that it has no boundaries. There are no borders it can’t cross, no language’s it can’t speak, and no hearts it can’t touch… and in our faith we have been given the gift of worship, a universal language, a song. That is the heart behind the Holy Forever World Tour. That we may come together, all streams of the church, night after night, in cities all around the world and join in the eternal song.
Ticketing information click: here.
Congratulations to our Winners:
Rachael Kane - Hayden, ID
Linda Bouck - Readan, WA
Maigan Mankin - Spokane, WA
David Yasmenko - Post Falls, ID
Jacqui Barney - Deer Park, WA
Bob Mosman - Spokane, WA
Breanna Scott - Spokane Valley, WA
Angie Danna - Post Falls, ID
Jeromy Brown - Spokane, WA
Volunteers Needed!
Your help is needed to pass out child sponsorship packets for World Vision. Details and sign up link below:
Time: 5pm
Location: Spokane Arena - 720 W Mallon Ave Spokane, WA 99201
Task: Passing out child sponsorship packets for World Vision.
Age Requirement: 18+(14-17 with an adult)
Perks: Early FREE admission and enjoy most of the live music!
Register: here.