Christmas Music is Here

Shine 104.9
November through the Holiday Season 'til January
Christmas will soon be here - here's a programming update for our loyal listeners.
Shine 104.9's HD Christmas Channel and App: For those listeners with vehicles featuring High-Definition radio receivers, you can now tune in, locally in Spokane, to our HD3 channel to hear "Glisten Christmas" - Shine 104.9's Commercial-free, Announcer-free Christmas Music Channel with the best variety of any station you'll find!
If you don't have an HD radio in your car, you can listen by downloading the 'Live365' or 'Tune In' apps and searching "Glisten Christamas." Or simply click here.
Programming Note in regards to our regular music channel (Shine 104.9)...
On Black Friday on through the Thanksgiving weekend Shine 104.9 will kick off the holiday season featuring 100% Christmas music! Then...
After the weekend of Thanksgiving as Christmas approaches, Shine 104.9 will continue with a 50-50% mix of Christmas Hymns and Carols along with our usual CCM music. We will increase the Christmas song mix as we get closer to Christmas Day. Finally, the week leading up to the holiday Shine 104.9 will exclusively play Christmas music.
And good news: we always find it abrupt when stations stop the Christmas music immediately after Christmas Day, so you will continue to enjoy Christmas songs mixed in for a few days after Christmas Day.
Sometimes we get asked the question "Why does Shine 104.9 play secular Christmas songs mixed with the sacred songs?" The answer is that as an outreach ministry, Shine 104.9 is always looking for ways to reach new listeners who might not know about Jesus. People love the traditional songs of Christmas and over the years we've had many listeners scanning the dial looking for their favorite Christmas songs who hear the Christmas mix on Shine 104.9, so they stick around and become regular listeners. If you're new to Shine 104.9, we welcome you and encourage you to tune in during the Christmas season, then stick around as we glorify the REAL reason for the season, Jesus Christ, all year-round!
Listener Colton wrote and shared this with the staff:
"I found you guys looking for a Christmas station that remembers Christ and not just Santa Clause. I’m so glad I did because I will be able to listen to this station even after Christmas and be reminded of my Savior throughout the year! Thank you for helping keep my days upbeat and centered on Christ."