Ron Hessel

I am crazy about a God who is crazy about His kids. Everywhere I look in scripture I see more clearly that God absolutely adores His kids. 

I have too many ‘favorite Bible’ verses to list, but lately I’ve been drawn to Romans 2:4. I love the way it is stated in the New Living Translation. Don't you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can't you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?

I used to be afraid of God, now I love Him more because He is so kind and trustworthy. Yay, God!!!

I was born in B.C. Canada, but came down to the USA in the early 70’s. I married my high school sweetheart, Barbara, and we have two daughters, two terrific son-in-laws, and four amazing grandkids. We have spent most of our time in the Pacific Northwest with a few stints in the Midwest.

I started my professional career as a carpenter, switched to teaching for almost a decade and ended up as a preacher. My wife started her career as a stay-at-home mom, switched to nursing and currently she is the Administrative Pastor at Summit Northwest Ministries where I enjoy being the Senior Pastor. Read that … she does all the work … I get all the fun!

I love sports, though mostly as a spectator these days. I’m a hard-core Seahawks fan going back to when Jim Zorn was QB. And I check out sports stats way too often on the internet.

Golf (#stillhaven’tbroken100), walking with my wife, visiting grandkids and doing a little woodworking take up most of my spare time.

I get to work with a great team of associates at Summit Northwest Ministries where we spend time figuring out how many different ways we can introduce people to this amazing God who cherishes and delights in His kids, no matter how messed up we are.

If you ever want to talk about God or life in general, don’t hesitate to contact me at  I’d love to hear from you.

You can also tune in to hear our church broadcast, Saturdays at 11am, on Shine 104.9.

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