Support Groups for Parents & Caregivers

Find support as you journey as a caregiver - you don't have to do this alone!
- Passages: Supports parents of children or adolescents with mental illness
- Joya Child & Family Development: A community group for children and families
- Spokane MISS Chapter-MISS Foundation: A support group
- Stand for Children: A support group for children and families
- Partners with Families & Children: A parenting support group
(509) 473-4810
- Family Connections Program at Amara: A program that matches parents, foster parents, and kinship caregivers with mentors
- Foster Parent Alliance of Washington State (FPAWS): An organization that supports and advocates for foster parents and kinship caregivers
- Seattle, Spokane, and Olympic Peninsula Angels: An organization that offers support to children, youth, and caregivers
- The Center of Parent Excellence (COPE) project: A project that provides assistance to Washington State parents and caregivers who need help accessing behavioral health services
- Parent to Parent USA: A group that matches parents with a trained support parent for one-on-one support
- The Arc: An advocacy organization that supports parents of children with special needs
- Frontier Behavioral Health Raschko Branch